I’m pulling the curtain back on my small business!
In February 2017, I decided to start sharing my monthly business reports. In these reports, I discuss the month’s positives and negatives as well as progress I made towards my 2017 goals. I also give a snapshot of my earnings.
August was my last full month of maternity leave. I spent the month working on my blog, spending time with my family, getting my daughter on a preschool routine, and thinking about what I want to do with my business for the rest of the year. August’s income was about the same as July’s income.
Here’s what happened in August.
- Continued work with local client
I was able to continue putting together a paper newsletter for a local client during my maternity leave. This allowed me to bring in some income while I was on maternity leave, which was nice.
I monetized my blog this month and even saw some income! Granted, it was only $29, but it’s a start. If blogging for income interests you, I wrote a huge post on exactly what I’m doing to grow my blog.
- Uncertain clients
One, or more, of the clients that I thought I’d work be returning to after my leave may no longer need my services. Unfortunately, I knew this could happen, but it was more important to me to recover from childbirth and spend time with my new son and family then try to continue working through the first two months of my child’s life.
Progress towards business goals
1) Increase my yearly income by $10,000
I don’t want to say this goal is impossible for this year, but it will be difficult. I have a lot of ground to make up from my lost clients before I will be at the “increasing income” level. Right now I’m trying to get back to where I was in January.
2) Get another local client
I’ll start looking for another client in September.
3) Launch The Sturm Agency website
I’m still not sure what I want to do with this so it’s on hold for now.
4) Launch my freelancer idea
I have not made any progress on this goal yet.
5) Sponsor something in the community
This goal is on hold until 2018.
6) Finish Elite Blog Academy course
My goal is to finish the EBA course by the end of the year. I didn’t get much done during my maternity leave, but I’m slowly going through the course.
Income Snapshot
This income comes from my freelance work which is a mixture of social media management, virtual assistant work, one-off projects, and content writing. This does not include any income made from my blog.
I may eventually share the actual numbers associated with my income, but for now, I’m not comfortable doing that. I will be sharing this income snapshot to show a trend of my income throughout the year.
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